When you have financial freedom, you have options. You have enough savings, investments and money on hand to afford the lifestyle you want for yourself and your family. The next time a pandemic or recession hits, you’ve got a safety net. It also means growing a nest egg that will allow you to retire without being driven by the need to earn a certain amount each year.
With a passion for building wealth and helping others achieve financial freedom, Omni Casey, widely known as Omni The Investor Guy has been a real estate investor, broker and coach for nearly twenty years. His real estate career started in Hawaii where he grew up. Over the last few years, he and his family have lived in Northern Virginia and have been very active in both growing their real estate investment portfolio and growing a top performing real estate team and office in Loudoun County Virginia. Omni has coached hundreds of real estate investors, real estate agents and clients alike to build the life they want.
Read the full interview here: Omni Casey On Helping Others Achieve Financial Freedom